Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why are newborn African American born with straight hair and light skin?

How long dos it take the hair to turn normal and skin to darken?

Why are newborn African American born with straight hair and light skin?

look at the baby ears and naval that will give you an idea on how dark they might get. it may take a couple of months. remember they cant get any sunlight while in utero. african american skin contains melanin which aids in darkening of the skin. if youre light or if your child is bi-racial your child may not darken at all, genetics play a major role in the color of your skin.

Why are newborn African American born with straight hair and light skin?

It is only because the pigmentation has not set in yet and the hair has been wet for so long. not a big deal and takes usually only a few days to a few weeks for these things to change.

Why are newborn African American born with straight hair and light skin?

well they haven't been exposed to sun yet

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