Monday, July 27, 2009

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

sorry, honeys but 5 ads with people that have curly hair isn't sh*t.

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

straight hair is better

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

Maybe you're looking in the wrong places.

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

you may need glasses

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

my hair is super curly and poffy I know what you mean I'm the only one in my family with hair like this.

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

The straight hair thing is in right now.

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

some people have straight hair and some don't

some like different styles and some don't

i like waivy hair

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

I wish I had curlier hair...

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

maybe its just my area but at my school most of the s have either naturally curly hair or have some form of curls in their hair. so i dunno but I'm guessing maybe the straight hair is just the style for your area.

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

Really? Where do you live? Cuz where I live more ppl have curly or different style hair than straight!

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

well i have curly hair n every one compliments wear ur hair a diff way maybe youll start a trend

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

Because people do not like to look outside the box straight hair is seen as beautiful just as light skin is considered beautiful until people open their eyes and expand there ideas and vision we will always stand here in this rut

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

if you wanna see the "curlys" ask em to drop their pants

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

straight is in right now

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

Sweetie, it's probably just a phase. Anyway, the reason I have straight hair is because I'm a single, hard working mom who just doesn't give a damn about her hair. It will probably change soon.

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

I just wanted to say I have Curly hair and I love it.

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

I agree. There should be more curly haired people and adds

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

people should wear they're hair that mannageable to them. Some people can manage straight, and some can manage curly. From what I understand it cost money to keep your hair in good shape. If cury cost more to upkeep than straight, you'll see more straight and vice versa. I like both, but if you can't take of it then you should shave it all off.

Why is it that I see straight hair everywhere but hardly curly or different styles of hair?

i have very long wavey hair and so do most my friends and my girlfriend

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